воскресенье, 8 июля 2012 г.

OrientDB - how to create new database

1. Download graph version of database from http://code.google.com/p/orient/downloads/list  and unzip it.

2. Run bin/server.bat  (server will generate new long password for user root)

3. Open file config/orientdb-server-config.xml with text editor and copy the password value of user root

4. Run bin/console.bat to access console (server is still running)

5. Run command in console (root password must be from orientdb-server-config.xml) :

orientdb> create database remote:localhost/mydb root 9E2B4BDEC420D87672DFFE5BBCA03C808A80D2618CE246F16102BE9D244072AA local graph

Database created successfully.

Current database is: remote:localhost/mydb

6. Now database is created with admin:admin (user:password) credentials. To change password

orientdb> update ouser set password = 'Secret13' where name = 'admin'

Updated 1 record(s) in 0,019000 sec(s).

7. Now disconnect from new database

orientdb> disconnect

Disconnecting from the database [mydb]...OK

8. Connect to new database using admin account

orientdb> connect remote: admin Secret13
Connecting to database [remote:] with user 'admin'...OK

That's all.

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