//this code allows to break limit if client jdk/jre has no unlimited policy files for JCE.
//it should be run once. So this static section is always execute during the class loading process.
//this code is useful when working with Bouncycastle library.
static {
try {
Field field = Class.forName("javax.crypto.JceSecurity").getDeclaredField("isRestricted");
field.set(null, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
or clojure variant of this function
(defn break-jce-policy-limit
"This function breaks JCE crypto limits. Should be run once, primarily at the begining of the program
to avoid JCE policy limit if JDK/JRE runtime has no installed files for break crypto limit. Returns nil."
(safe (let [field (-> (Class/forName "javax.crypto.JceSecurity")
(.getDeclaredField "isRestricted"))]
(.setAccessible field true)
(.set field nil java.lang.Boolean/FALSE))))
(defmacro safe [bindings? & forms]
"This macro is used to execute any function inside try-catch block."
(let [bindings (if (and (even? (count bindings?)) (vector? bindings?))
bindings? nil)
forms (if bindings forms (cons bindings? forms))
except `(catch Exception e# e#
(println (.getMessage e#) e#))]
(if bindings
`(let ~bindings (try ~@forms ~except))
`(try ~@forms ~except))))
//it should be run once. So this static section is always execute during the class loading process.
//this code is useful when working with Bouncycastle library.
static {
try {
Field field = Class.forName("javax.crypto.JceSecurity").getDeclaredField("isRestricted");
field.set(null, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
or clojure variant of this function
(defn break-jce-policy-limit
"This function breaks JCE crypto limits. Should be run once, primarily at the begining of the program
to avoid JCE policy limit if JDK/JRE runtime has no installed files for break crypto limit. Returns nil."
(safe (let [field (-> (Class/forName "javax.crypto.JceSecurity")
(.getDeclaredField "isRestricted"))]
(.setAccessible field true)
(.set field nil java.lang.Boolean/FALSE))))
(defmacro safe [bindings? & forms]
"This macro is used to execute any function inside try-catch block."
(let [bindings (if (and (even? (count bindings?)) (vector? bindings?))
bindings? nil)
forms (if bindings forms (cons bindings? forms))
except `(catch Exception e# e#
(println (.getMessage e#) e#))]
(if bindings
`(let ~bindings (try ~@forms ~except))
`(try ~@forms ~except))))
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